Convolving Gaussian Errors
# !pip install pzflow matplotlib
Convolving Gaussian errors¶
This notebook demonstrates how to train a flow on data that has Gaussian errors/uncertainties, as well as convolving those errors in log_prob and posterior calculations. We will use the two moons data set again.
from pzflow import Flow
from pzflow.examples import get_twomoons_data
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "white"
Let's load the two moons data again. This time, we will add columns for errors. Let's set them at the 10% level.
# load the data
data = get_twomoons_data()
# 10% errors
data["x_err"] = 0.10 * jnp.abs(data["x"].values)
data["y_err"] = 0.10 * jnp.abs(data["y"].values)
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
x | y | x_err | y_err | |
0 | -0.748695 | 0.777733 | 0.074870 | 0.077773 |
1 | 1.690101 | -0.207291 | 0.169010 | 0.020729 |
2 | 2.008558 | 0.285932 | 0.200856 | 0.028593 |
3 | 1.291547 | -0.441167 | 0.129155 | 0.044117 |
4 | 0.808686 | -0.481017 | 0.080869 | 0.048102 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
99995 | 1.642738 | -0.221286 | 0.164274 | 0.022129 |
99996 | 0.981221 | 0.327815 | 0.098122 | 0.032781 |
99997 | 0.990856 | 0.182546 | 0.099086 | 0.018255 |
99998 | -0.343144 | 0.877573 | 0.034314 | 0.087757 |
99999 | 1.851718 | 0.008531 | 0.185172 | 0.000853 |
100000 rows × 4 columns
Notice how I saved the errors in columns with the suffix "_err". Anytime you tell PZFlow to convolve errors (see below), it will look for columns with "_err" suffixes. If it can't find an error column for a certain variable, it will assume that variable has zero error. It is also important to know that PZFlow will assume the errors are Gaussian, unless you explicitly tell it otherwise, like in this example.
Also, note that I didn't actually add the Gaussian noise to the x
and y
variables themselves.
This is just so we can clearly see the effects of convolving errors below.
The initial data will be noiseless, but since we will convolve errors during training, the samples from the trained flow will be noisy.
Here is the noiseless data:
plt.hist2d(data['x'], data['y'], bins=200)
Now we will build the same flow we built in the Intro.
flow = Flow(["x", "y"])
This time during training, we will set convolve_errs=True
This means that during each epoch of training, we will resample the training set from the Gaussian distributions set by x_err
and y_err
losses = flow.train(data, convolve_errs=True, verbose=True)
Training 100 epochs Loss: (0) 2.3212 (1) 0.8941 (6) 0.6283 (11) 0.6253 (16) 0.6220 (21) 0.5972 (26) 0.6049 (31) 0.5934 (36) 0.6154 (41) 0.5999 (46) 0.6087 (51) 0.5977 (56) 0.6036 (61) 0.5937 (66) 0.5781 (71) 0.5865 (76) 0.5848 (81) 0.5930 (86) 0.5863 (91) 0.5867 (96) 0.6018 (100) 0.6002 CPU times: user 5min 13s, sys: 48 s, total: 6min 1s Wall time: 1min 22s
Now let's plot the training losses to make sure everything looks like we expect it to...
plt.ylabel("Training loss")
Now we can draw samples from the flow, using the sample
samples = flow.sample(10000, seed=0)
plt.hist2d(samples['x'], samples['y'], bins=200)
Notice how the learned distribution is noisy - that is because we resampled the training set from the Gaussian error distributions on each epoch of training. In particular, notice how the noise increases as the magnitude of $x$ and $y$ increases - this is exactly what we expected by setting the error of each to 10% of the true value.
We can also calculate posteriors with error convolution by setting the err_samples
E.g. setting err_samples=100
tells the posterior method to draw 100 samples from the Gaussian error distribution for each galaxy, calculate posteriors for each of those samples, and then average over the samples.
Below, we will select one galaxy and calculate the posterior for various values of err_samples
grid = jnp.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
pdfs = dict()
for err_samples in [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]:
pdfs[err_samples] = flow.posterior(data[:1], column="x", grid=grid, err_samples=err_samples, seed=0)[0]
for i, pdf in pdfs.items():
plt.plot(grid, pdf, label=i)
plt.title(f"$y$ = {data['y'][0]:.2f}")
We can see how drawing more samples in the error convolution smooths out the posterior as you might expect.
Note that the log_prob
method works identically.